Sunday, March 24, 2013

Donut Falls Part 2

For details of this hike, see my March 3 post. I did this hike again, this time a little earlier in the day, and with my son . We had a blast and got some cool pics:  The entire hike took an hour and a half.
Lots of fresh powder, and still snowing hard

My trekking poles playing around

The entrance to the cave

A lot more sunlight today, so didn't need a flashlight

A cool silhouette

Climbing out of the cave.


  1. This has got to be the perfect hike. It's not too long, just the right amount of difficulty, and an awesome destination!

  2. Wow it looks amazing there. i need to get me some snowshoes.

  3. Hm...I'm not so sure that I want to know that you are climbing into caves. Well, you never seize to amaze me! that has been ever since you and Boyd as boys went exploring in the gully and brought home some "good stuff" you had found and wrote notes for dad to read, when he would come home from working nights at the newspaper. I'm glad that you enjoy your hikes in nature, and as always pray for your safety. I'll never cease being your mom.

  4. Holy cow...what a winter wonderland! And what a cool cave! You guys are awesome. :)
